Friday 22 July 2011

Green Pea Soup

I held off writing about this until I was fairly confident it was a sure thing. And now that I'm sitting here amongst towers of boxes, I think it is safe to say...we're moving. Just up the street though! Nothing too dramatic. But yeah, it's a move. And let me tell you, I don't love moving. I've been happy to avoid doing it for seven? eight? years. But the prospect of a proper guest room, a bit more space to work, and extra, extra tall ceilings - all just a hop and skip from where we currently live (and love) - was too much to pass up. So, in addition to wrapping Champagne flutes one by one - and boxing up tights, toothbrushes, and tart pans - cleaning out the freezer was on my hit list. And that's where today's pea soup comes into play.

Pea Soup Recipe

I wish I could tell you I made today's pea soup with fresh spring peas. I didn't. It was made with peas found in the back left-hand corner of my freezer. And, even so, it was good. I'm sure it would be exponentially good with fresh market peas. Here's how it works. You make an Indian-inspired garlic ginger paste, then use it as the base of the soup along with some onion. There's also some green chiles in there to contribute some kick, along with a couple other spices. The ingredient list is based on one from this book, but I went off-road beyond that, and turned it into a one-pot soup.

Pea Soup Recipe

There are many things coming with me in the move. And many things that aren't :). I thought I'd share some pics of a few things I've come across that have made the cut. Up top, I love this antique cookie press that I purchased a while back at Heritage in Napa. And below that are some snapshots of my family, and my grandma's copy of The Joy of Cooking.

Pea Soup Recipe

And Heather, this is a note for you - those little spoons up above were Metne's. It's hard to see, but they all have M, for Metlar, on them. I think they must have been part of her wedding silver? I wonder if mom is hiding the rest of the M's somewhere? And then below those are some H's and a small menagerie of cookie cutters.

I'm looking forward to doing some shooting in the new apartment soon - the light there is stunning - although it will be the first time I'll be shooting from a place where I suspect the morning light will trump late afternoon. Fingers crossed.

Continue reading Green Pea Soup...


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Banzai Aqua Jump Slide Review

Do not buy aqua jump slide by banzai Peg from Hermiston OR on Jul.062011 1out of 5 This product took forever to set up and we could not get the water clasp to stay closed to fill the middle decoration over the jump. It was very frustrating and tiring w kids asking if its ready [...]


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Thursday 21 July 2011

Navajo State Park (CO) Presents Wildlife Programs July 23rd

ARBOLES, Colo. ? With its variety of ecosystems, Navajo State Park provides great habitat for many types of wildlife. Unexpected sightings, mysterious sounds, and occasional signs all help to remind us that other creatures use the park for their own benefit as much as we do. This weekend, Navajo presents programs that will lend some [...]

Click here to continue reading Navajo State Park (CO) Presents Wildlife Programs July 23rd. This article is from: DesertUSA


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Happy Trails: Online Guide to Great Hikes

Ever wonder about the best hikes, sites and activities in America's national parks? Or are you unsure about how you should plan your next visit to a national park or what you should pack? The National Park Foundation, the official charity of America's National Parks, is here to help! Today, NPF unveils Happy Trails, a new guide highlighting 25 unforgettable national park hikes spanning all levels of expertise. Visit to get your FREE copy today.

In addition, NPF is proud to feature, Trail Talk, where park fans can ask their questions to America's national park rangers. Done in partnership with Merrell, the interactive interview series with national park rangers can help you plan the perfect national park adventure. The public is invited to submit questions for the Trail Talk series via the NPF and Merrell Facebook pages, which are and, respectively.

The National Park Foundation's Happy Trails guide invites Americans to not only take an active role in preserving their parks, but to also take time to explore and enjoy some of the spectacular hikes America has to offer, some of which include:

Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas
Beaver Slide, 1.5 mile loop
The short walk passes by several ponds formed by old beaver dams. Ethereal cypress trees rise from still waters, their knees poking the pond's surface.

Everglades National Park, Florida
Anhinga, .8 miles roundtrip
Starting at the Royal Palm Visitor Center, the wheelchair-accessible path winds through sawgrass marsh. Wildlife viewing abounds, especially in winter. Look for alligators, turtles, herons, egrets, and, of course, anhingas.

Point Reyes National Seashore, California
Coast-Laguna, 5 mile loop
Experience some of these varied landscapes on the Coast Trail via the Laguna Trail. Laguna Trail leads through coastal scrub. Look for Anna's hummingbird, which feeds year-round on Indian paintbrush and bush monkey flower.

For a complete list of great hikes, visit There, visitors will also have access to other great resources from the National Park Foundation including the "Owner's Guide" ? a comprehensive guidebook to America's nearly 400 national parks.
Help support America's national parks.
Join us ? This is Your Land.


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Dropped Park: Riverside Resort Campground Vermontville, MI

Riverside Resort Campground is no longer participating as a Passport America Discount Campground.


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Dropped Park: Tye RV Park Tye, TX

Tye RV Park is no longer participating as a Passport America Discount Campground.


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